Diane Keaton's L'Oreal Ad Raises Eyebrows For Showing Star 'Ageless And Wrinkle-Free'

Diane Keaton's L'Oreal Ad Raises Eyebrows For Showing Star 'Ageless And Wrinkle-Free'

We were bowled over when we saw Diane Keaton take the stage at Sunday night's Golden Globes -- that suit! That hair! That glow! (Yeah, we've got a little bit of a crush.)

But immediately after Keaton was done accepting the Cecil B. DeMille Award on Woody Allen's behalf, the Golden Globes cut to a commercial break with a L'Oreal ad starring none other than Diane Keaton... looking different than she did just one minute before, according to some viewers on Twitter. Some comments after L'Oreal's Age Perfect Glow Renewal Facial Oil ad ran:

There's no question that 68-year-old Keaton has awesome skin and a youthful glow -- that much was apparent to anyone watching her live at the Globes. But did L'Oreal make her even more youthful in its latest commercial? If so, the brand could find itself in trouble: Several makeup companies have had their ads banned after accusations they digitally modified their models to imply better results.

Watch the commercial below.


  1. Why is it so important to look 'ageless'? Everyone has an age! And for 68, she looks frickin gorgeous. Wish I looked that good at 68!

    1. The woman looks 80 at best. She has a vibrandt spirit but she doesn't physically look good.

  2. L'Oreal is nothing but chemicals anyway. They are as fake as the commercial.
