If your love life was on hold in 2013 and you're ready to look for a spark again, it's time to get your online dating persona in order. Online dating is more popular than ever, and since it's currently the month of resolutions and making changes, now is the perfect time to start.
"The misconception that looking for love online is only for losers is dead," says Kimberly Moffit, Match.com's Canadian relationship expert. "This year people will do almost everything online, and as our Internet use evolves, online dating sites will offer more features to create fulsome experiences."
According to a recent Match.com survey, 43 per cent of Canadian singles said they want to find love in 2014. Moffit says these days, online dating isn't limited to websites. Apps like Tinder and MiuMeet (as well as major websites) can be accessed through phones and tablets.
But with one holiday season behind us and another one just around the corner (yes, Valentine's Day), Moffit says more people are inclined to find someone in six weeks.
"Using February 14th as a goal date could be helpful," she says. "But it’s also important to remember that dating takes time. So while making it a goal to find a date for Valentine’s Day can be a good idea, ensure that your timelines are realistic."
Moffit says she would also like to see people having more fun (and be a little less serious) while dating. At times, singles get too caught up with finding soul mates or tying the knot.
Ready to start? Here are Moffit's 10 tips for finding love in 2014:
Don't Be Afraid To StartIt seems like a no brainer, but just signing up can be one of the biggest setbacks singles have to overcome. Joining an online dating site shows you’re proactive and trying to find a partner. Plus, with the rise of dating apps, online dating is now something you can do on the go from multiple devices.
Update Your Profile
Now that you've registered for a website, uploaded some photos, filled out your profile and sent some messages, your work should be done, right? Not quite. Every few weeks or months, make some updates to your profile to include new interests or a new outlook on what you’re looking for in a relationship. And don't forget the photo — you should try changing or adding a new one every month or so.
Ditch The Selfies
Selfies were so 2013. This year, avoid selfies in front of the mirror, in a car, at the gym or anywhere for that matter. Have a friend take a picture of you and don’t forget to show off your pearly whites.
Don't Obsess Over The Little Things
Is her movie taste a bit different than yours? Is he 5’10 when you prefer guys who are 6’0 or taller? Remember you’re looking for a spark, not necessarily the perfect partner on paper. If their profile makes them seem funny, intelligent or another trait you’re looking for or attracted to, it’s OK to forget about the small stuff to start.
Don't Overthink Your Own Profile
Sometimes people get deterred from online dating if they're stumped while putting together their profiles. It’s important to be unique in your About Me section, but if you can’t think of the perfect witty description, then type something simple, and return to it when you're feeling more inspired.
Try Suggesting A Date In Your Profile
While most profiles list interests, why not list your ideal date? Instead of saying that you love to cook, say that your ideal date is a cooking class followed by a meal you two can cook together. This sets you apart, and as a bonus, listing an experience can help potential matches envision what it would be like to spend time with you.
Upload A Silly Picture
There’s no doubt a simple picture is essential for your online dating profile, but putting up an additional silly photo can help show off your personality a little more.
Make Time
Online dating isn’t that different from offline dating; both take time. Try setting one day a week to go on dates. For example, if Wednesdays work for your schedule, then give yourself several days before Wednesday to connect with someone online and set a date.
Set Goals
Have you really thought about what you want out of your online dating experience? To help, try setting numeric goals. If you decide that in 2014 you’d like to go on one, two or 10 dates, go for it.
Have An Online Dating Buddy
If you have a friend who is in the same boat, why not try online dating at the same time? This person can motivate you to keep meeting new people (and vice versa), and it can help you get a lot more comfortable updating your pictures and profile page.
Women today have not idea how to dress.